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Office of the Permanent Diaconate: >Deacon Formation Program

Please Pray for the Men in the Deacon Formation Program

Deacon Formation Journey

If you are discerning a vocation as a deacon, consider reading these three books:

What Does God Want?: A Practical Guide to Making Decisions
101 Questions and Answers On Deacons
The Heart of the Diaconate: Communion with the Servant Mysteries of Christ

There are four essential dimensions for formation: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral. These dimensions promote the formation of the whole person and are interrelated to achieve a continual integration of objectives in the life of each participant and in his exercise of ministry.

Human Dimension
Spiritual Dimension
Intellectual Dimension
Pastoral Dimension

Formation Team

Inquiry Path Participants

The Deacon Inquiry Program starts after attending an Inquiry Night in which interested individuals gain more knowledge of what it means to be a Deacon and what is required to become one. During this period, the inquirers attend monthly sessions on Saturdays, along with the Deacon Formation Team. Both the inquirers and formation team use these sessions to help their discernment as to whether the inquirer should be invited to submit an application to continue their discernment and begin academic classes.


Applications are only handed out during a special Inquiry session. You must have been invited to participate in the Inquiry program to be eligible to complete and submit an application.

Aspirancy Path Participants

The Deacon Aspirancy Program starts after attending an Inquiry Night in which interested individuals gain more knowledge of what it means to be a Deacon and what is required to become one. During this period, the aspirants attend monthly sessions on Saturday along with the Deacon Formation Team. Both the aspirants and team use these sessions to help their discernment as to whether the aspirants should be invited to submit an application to continue their discernment and begin academic classes.

Candidacy Path Participants

The Deacon Candidacy Program begins after the Deacon Aspirancy Program ends. There are four essential dimensions for formation: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral. These dimensions promote the formation of the whole person and are interrelated to achieve a continual integration of objectives in the life of each participant and in his exercise of ministry