On this episode of Catholic Forum, after a news update from The Dialog, we talk with the Executive Director of La Plaza Delaware, Ms. Mary Dupont. For the last several years, the organization has been assisting Latino entrepreneurs navigate the governmental and cultural obstacles to starting and succeeding in business in Sussex County, Delaware. Mary shares how the local Catholic parish, Saint Michael the Archangel, has been instrumental to the success of the endeavor. You can listen to the Catholic Forum podcast in its entirety on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music and iHeartRadio or at cdow.org/CatholicForum and on Relevant Radio 640 every Saturday afternoon at 1:30. You can see a video of this interview by searching Diocese of Wilmington on YouTube, or click here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9UtEPD9U4Y Catholic Forum is a production of the Office of Communication of the Diocese of Wilmington.