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The Troops of St. George and it’s Delaware troop is discussed


On this episode of Catholic Forum, after a news update from The Dialog, we chat with Mark Ugolini and his son, Leo about the troop Troops of Saint George and how it combines camping and adventure with prayer and the Sacraments. The Troops of Saint George is a fraternal Catholic nonprofit apostolate for priests, men, and young men looking for a life of adventure coupled with virtue. It was founded in 2013 by Catholic author and professor Dr. Taylor Marshall.  Delaware has it’s first Troop based at St. Elizabeth Church in Wilmington – Troop 302 – where Mark and Leo are actively involved.  Listen to Catholic Forum in its entirety every Saturday afternoon at 1:30 on Relevant Radio 640 or on Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio and Amazon Music podcasts. Catholic Forum is a production of the Office of Communications of the Diocese of Wilmington. You can see a video of this interview on our YouTube channel –

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