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Learn about the new Catholic Charities/Goodwill collaboration on this episode of Catholic Forum


On this episode of Catholic Forum, after a news update from The Dialog and a selection from the Catholic Treasures CD, we learn about a new collaboration between Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington and Goodwill of Delaware and Delaware County. Colleen Morrone, President and CEO or Goodwill and Fritz Jones, Executive Director of Catholic Charities will explain how working together, these two great social service agencies can better serve the needs of our community. Catholic Forum is a production of the Office of Communications of the Diocese of Wilmington and is heard on Relevant Radio 640 on Saturday afternoons at 1:30 and on Apple, Spotify, iHeartRadio and Amazon Music podcasts. Many interviews are also shown on the Diocese of Wilmington’s YouTube channel – 

Check out this episode!