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Catholic Forum, Oct. 2, 2021 – Bishop William Koenig’s Marian Pilgrimage Homily


On this episode of Catholic Forum, after news from Joe Owens, editor of The Dialog, and a song from the CD, “Hymns,” by Beth Nielsen Chapman (actually, we will hear two cuts from this great record today), we will hear Bishop William Koenig’s homily, most if it on his own voice, recorded at the September 25, 2021 Diocese of Wilmington Marian Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.  About two-thirds of the way through the bishop’s homily, we experienced a failure of the recording equipment, so Catholic Forum host, Bob Krebs, reads the conclusion of the homily from the text. Also, Father Rich Jasper (who never has recording equipment failure), will present another Modern Day Witness. 

Check out this episode!