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Bear Woznick, author of “12 Rules for Manliness”


On this episode of Catholic Forum, after a news update from The Dialog, we talk to championship surfer, ninja black belt, adventurer and author, Bear Woznick, about his book, “12 Rules for Manliness: Where Have All the Cowboys Gone.” In this book that will be released in mid-September 2023, but is available for pre-order, Bear lays out a plan to help men learn how to develop a proper personal creed, and then define themselves by the hardships they endure in pursuit of that mission. Catholic Forum, a production of the Diocese of Wilmington’s Office of Communications, debuts on Saturday afternoons at 1:30 on Relevant Radio 640 and is available on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music and iHeartRadio podcasts. Select interviews are available on the Diocese of Wilmington’s YouTube channel – @dioceseofwilm Please like, share and subscribe.

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