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Protecting Our Children from Sexual Abuse


U.S. Bishops’ Secretariat for Child and Youth Protection Releases Annual Report

The report is based on the audit findings of StoneBridge Business Partners, a specialty consulting firm headquartered in Rochester, New York, which provides forensic, internal, and compliance audit services to leading organizations nationwide. A survey conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) regarding allegations of abuse of minors and costs is also included as a part of the report.  Click here for details.

Did you know what is happening in the Diocese of Wilmington, and all dioceses in the United States, to protect children?

• Training is provided for all adults and youth to identify warning signs and develop
strategies for maintaining a safe environment for all.
• A designated Victim Assistance/Safe Environment Coordinator is available to receive reports and accompany victims through their journey and assists parish and school personnel with training and background screenings for anyone who may have access to children.
• A volunteer independent Review Board assists the bishop in the review of cases and makes recommendations for moving forward.
• An audit is conducted by an independent firm to evaluate implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Findings are incorporated with those of other dioceses and is available in an Annual Report.

The Catholic community in Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore – our diocese – and the Church as a whole, have worked hard to protect our precious children. We must all remain vigilant until child sexual abuse is no longer a part of society. What has the Diocese of Wilmington and the Catholic Church in the United States done to respond to sexual abuse by church personnel and protect our children? Here in the Diocese of Wilmington, over 21,000 volunteers, coaches, priests, deacons, youth leaders, teachers and candidates for ordination have had their backgrounds checked and have taken the For the Sake of God’s Children safe environment training.

An Independent audit has shown that the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People is being followed in Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore.  Click here for details.

If you’ve been sexually exploited or abused by a priest, brother, sister or lay person employed by the Diocese of Wilmington or by a church volunteer in service to a parish or school or other church organization; we want to help you.

We realize that bringing a misconduct complaint to authorities and/or to the Diocese of Wilmington can be a frightening experience and we want to make the process as safe and as comfortable as possible. We promise to be open and respectful of your complaint.