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It’s the Season of Advent

Advent: the “Little Lent”
Christmas is the “most wonderful time of the year”: trees are trimmed, presents wrapped, and the chilly air signals the coming season of festive warmth. But did you know we’re not really ready for Christmas without first observing a “little Lent?” Read more from the Catholic Apostolate Center.

Beginning the Church’s liturgical year, Advent (from, “ad-venire” in Latin or “to come to”) is the season encompassing the four Sundays (and weekdays) leading up to the celebration of Christmas. Learn more from the USCCB.

“Wait for it….” It’s a popular phrase along pop-culture landscapes. The problem is nobody likes to wait, and yet waiting is a part of life. We wait at the DMV or the grocery store checkout, in line at the post office to mail Christmas packages, for an appointment, a diagnosis, a resolution, a solution, an opportunity, the light at the end of the tunnel, a birth, a death… read more from Franciscan Media.

Learn 6 simple ways to enrich your Advent Season from Busted Halo.

Watch Sunday Mass for Advent on the Diocese of Wilmington’s YouTube Channel. Mass is live-streamed at 9:30 each Sunday morning from the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Wilmington or watch the replay anytime at

The Diocesan Youth Leadership Team from the @DioceseofWilm reflects on God’s messages to us during this Advent season. Using Scripture readings and their own experiences, each group has written and filmed a brief reflection with the guidance of Dan Pin, Director of the Office for Youth, Young Adult, and Family Ministry. We hope that their thoughts and words inspire you as we celebrate the hope and expectation in this season leading up to Christmas!