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Diocesan Officials

According to the code of canon law, in each Diocese, the Bishop must appoint a Vicar General who assists the Bishop in the governance of the Diocese. The Vicar General possesses that delegated authority in the Diocese which belongs to the Bishop in law, that is, he possesses the power to place all administrative acts with the exception of those which the Bishop has reserved to himself or which in law requires the special mandate of the Bishop.

Rev. Msgr. Steven P. Hurley, VG, STL.
Mailing Address: PO Box 2030, Wilmington, DE 19899
Office Address: 1925 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, DE 19806

The Moderator of the Curia is a priest appointed by the Diocesan Bishop whose task it is under the authority of the Bishop to coordinate the exercise of administrative responsibilities and to see that all members of the Curia dutifully fulfill the offices entrusted to them. The Moderator of the Curia fosters unity, identity, and purpose within the Curia. He guides and directs diocesan departments in the implementation of the Diocese’s mission and the priorities of the Bishop.

Rev. Msgr. Steven P. Hurley, VG, STL.
Mailing Address: PO Box 2030, Wilmington, DE 19899
Office Address: 1925 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, DE 19806

The Chancellor is a member of the Bishop’s staff that is required by Church law as secretary of the Curia. As chief archivist the Chancellor’s primary function is to maintain and safeguard the instruments and writings which refer to both the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Diocese. The Chancellor receive delegated responsibility from the Bishop involving a wide range of matters and affairs including issuing dispensations, permissions, and faculties to clergy. The Chancellor also serves as a resource to priests and others who have church responsibilities.

Very Rev. Joseph W. McQuaide, IV, Chancellor
Mailing Address: PO Box 2030, Wilmington, DE 19899
Office Address: 1925 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, DE 19806

The Vicar for Clergy is an advocate for priests with the Bishop. The Vicar seeks to minister to priests and to affirm them. This position, Vicar for Priests, however, in no way impedes the freedom of access of priests with the Bishop. The Vicar for Clergy has responsibility in providing for the spiritual, physical, and emotional well being of the priests of the Diocese. He encourages priests in the appreciation of the dignity of their calling and will provide for priests a confidential setting in which they can find assistance and counsel. The Vicar for Clergy oversees the offices of Vocations, Deacons and Institutional Chaplains.

Very Rev. Glenn Evers, V.C.
Mailing Address: PO Box 2030, Wilmington, DE 19899
Office Address: 1925 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, DE 19806

The Vicar for Retired Priests is an advocate for retired priests with the Bishop. The Vicar seeks to minister to retired priests and to affirm them. In this position, he in no way impedes the freedom of access of priests with the Bishop.

Very Rev. Mark Kelleher
St. Joseph Church
319 East Main St.
Middletown, DE 19709

The Judicial Vicar is a priest chosen by the Bishop to judge cases and to head the Diocesan Tribunal. The Tribunal deals primarily with marriage cases, adjudicating petitions involving nullity of marriage (annulment). The Tribunal will also handle other judicial procedures which the Bishop assigns to it. The Judicial Vicar constitutes one Tribunal with the Bishop but cannot judge cases which the Bishop reserves to himself.

Very Rev. Joseph W. McQuaide, IV, Judicial Vicar
Mailing Address: PO Box 2030, Wilmington, DE 19899
Office Address: 1925 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, DE 19806