The Dean is a priest appointed by the Bishop to exercise certain delegated duties proper to the Bishop in a particular geographical area (Deanery). While every priest in the Diocese extends the priesthood of the Bishop to all of God’s people, the Dean is a special presence of the Bishop among a designated region. The Dean’s chief concerns are pastoral – promoting the Church’s mission of proclaiming God’s Word, celebrating Eucharist, forming community, and service. He is a unifying force among the priests.
While his exercise of leadership is done with a minimum of formal administrative structure, the Dean shares the Bishop’s task of planning, coordinating, and implementing the work of the church. The Dean communicates the care, concerns, and solicitude of the Bishop to the laity, religious, and clergy of the Deanery, and keeps the Bishop regularly aware of the developments within a Deanery.
Brandywine Hundred Dean: Vy. Rev. Michael j, Carrier, V.F.
City Dean: Vy. Rev. Roger DiBuo, V.F.

Central New Castle Dean: Vy. Rev. Joseph J. Piekarski, V.F.
Iron Hill Dean: Rev. Edward J. Ogden, OSFS, V.F.

Eastern Shore Dean: Vy. Rev. Christopher M. LaBarge, V.F.
Silver Lake Dean: Vy. Rev. James S. Lentini. V.F.

Ocean Dean: Vy. Rev. Brian S. Lewis, V.F.