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Christian Music legend, John Michael Talbot is the guest


On this episode of Catholic Forum, after a news update from The Dialog, we chat with music icon, John Michael Talbot. He is a multi-platinum selling, Grammy / Dove award winning Contemporary Catholic Christian Music pioneer. His music has been the soundtrack to the faith journey of millions of believers throughout the world! “Late Have I Loved You” is his 59th album released February 2024. A best-selling (and prolific) author, John Michael’s 37th book, “The Lord’s Supper: A Eucharistic Revival ” was published in 2023 and his latest book – his first autobiography – “Late Have I Loved You” was just published on Ash Wednesday, 2024. John Michael spoke to us from the Little Portion Hermitage in Arkansas, where he is the Founder and General Minister of the Catholic based community The Brothers and Sisters of Charity. You can see a video of this interview of John Michael Talbot on our YouTube Channel. Just search Diocese of Wilmington on YouTube. Catholic Forum is a production of the Office of Communications of the Diocese of Wilmington. Please like & follow. 

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