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Catholic Forum, Oct. 26, 2019 – Guests: Colleen Lindsey & Bill Keimig


On this episode of Catholic Forum, after a brief introduction, the Gospel for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and a song from the “More Than 50 Most Loved Hymns” CD, Ms. Colleen Lindsey, Director of the Office for Religious Education for the Diocese of Wilmington, amd Dr. William Keimig, Assistant Director of The Franciscan University of Steubenville Catechetical Institute are interviewed. The Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University exists to train and support the key catechists in any situation—priests, deacons, parents, or laity, whether professional or volunteer. Through conferences, online workshops, videos, audio, personal mentorship, and a wealth of resources produced by Franciscan University, all involved in the work of catechesis will find new ideas, new approaches, new techniques, and a new confidence to do the work of catechesis. The Diocese if Wilmington is partnering with the Institute to bring this program to Delaware and Maryland Eastern Shore parishes. Also, Father Rich Jasper will tell us about the life of Marthe Robin, another Modern Day Witness. 

Check out this episode!