On this episode of Catholic Forum, after a news update from The Dialog and a a song from the CD, Then Sings My Soul: The Best of the Priests, we are honored to welcome Archbishop-designate Richard Henning, who will give the keynote address at the October 5, 2024 Diocese of Wilmington Eucharistic Congress. Archbishop Henning, who will be installed as the tenth Bishop and seventh Archbishop of Boston on October 31, 2024 gives us a preview of his keynote address. Then we are joined by the Bishop of Wilmington, Bishop William Koenig. Bishop Koenig will tell us why he convened the Eucharistic Congress and what he hopes will be the impact on the Catholic community of Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore. You can see a video of this interview on YouTube at YouTube. com/DioceseofWilm. Catholic Forum is a production of the Office of Communications of the Diocese of Wilmington.