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Holy Days of Obligation


Holiday days of obligation are:

The Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. – January 1

The Ascension of the Lord – 40 days after Easter. (In most regions of the United States, including the Diocese of Wilmington, the feast of the Ascension of the Lord is transferred to the Seventh Sunday of Easter. It is no longer a holy day of obligation in most of the country.)

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – August 15

The Solemnity of All Saints-November 1 (Not a Holy Day of Obligation in 2025*)

The Immaculate Conception-December 8

The Nativity of the Lord-December 25

*Depending on which day of the week these solemnities fall on, it can change their obligatory character. For example, when a solemnity falls on a Saturday or a Monday, the obligation is sometimes removed.