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College of Consultors

The College of Diocesan Consultors is a group of priests who act as official advisors to the Bishop in certain matters pertaining to the administration of the Diocese as detailed in canon law. The College of Consultors also acts as a governing board for the Diocese when the Diocese is vacant. Consultors are appointed by the Bishop from members of the Diocesan Priests’ Council. Consultors serve as a body for a five year term.

Diocesan Pastoral Council

The Diocesan Pastoral Council is a body of clergy, religious, and laity who advise the Bishop in those matters which concern the pastoral works of the Diocese. The Council is consultative. Its primary task is to study all aspects of the life of the People of God in the Diocese and to make recommendations to the Bishop concerning them.

Council of Priests

The Council of Priests is a consultative body representative of both diocesan and religious priests in service to the Diocese. The Council advises the Bishop on those matters which pertain to the pastoral mission and the well being of the total Diocese. The Council is also a forum for full and free discussion of issues of pastoral concern to the Bishops, priests and the faithful.

Priests’ Personnel Committee

The Priests’ Personnel Committee is a group of diocesan priests who assist the Bishop in his responsibility of appointing pastors, associate pastors, and permanent deacons in the ministry to the People of God and who assist him in the pastoral care of the clergy.

The Diocesan Finance Council

The Diocesan Finance Council is composed of clergy and lay persons skilled in financial matters and who are familiar with the civil law, appointed by the Bishop for the purpose of assisting and advising him in the administration of the business and financial affairs of the Diocese. The Council works closely with the Diocesan Finance Officer.
The Council membership is composed of seven lay persons and two priests. The Bishop presides at all meetings. Council members serve for a term of five years.

Finance Council Committees are:

  • Budget and Accounting Committee
  • Investment Committee
  • Project Feasibility Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Assessment Committee

Council for Religious

The Council for Religious is an advisory body to the Bishop and serves as a liaison between the Religious who serve in the Diocese and the Bishop. Among the Council’s goals are: (a) to provide a forum for the Religious of the Diocese to challenge and be challenged by the local church as ministers to God’s People; (b) to establish and foster effective communication, representation, and consultation among Religious Communities within the local church; (c) to serve as a consultative body for the Bishop.